Question: 1 / 215

What practice in firefighting can significantly reduce the need for extra manpower during salvage operations?

Open all doors and windows for ventilation

Use a hose stream judiciously during fire suppression

Remove furniture quickly from the building

Cover everything with polyethylene sheeting

Covering everything with polyethylene sheeting is a practice that can significantly reduce the need for extra manpower during salvage operations. This method helps protect the contents of a structure from water and smoke damage during firefighting efforts. By creating a barrier over items such as furniture, electronics, and other valuables, the damage caused by water from hoses or fire suppression efforts is minimized. This proactive measure allows for efficient salvage operations, as it reduces the volume of affected items that need to be removed or cleaned up after the firefighting efforts have concluded. Consequently, fewer personnel are required to deal with damage control, as the sheeting can effectively shield items from the elements. In comparison to the practice of quickly removing furniture, which requires physical labor and time, or ventilation techniques that may complicate the situation, using polyethylene sheeting offers a strategic way to preserve items with less manpower involvement.


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